Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own. New theories recognize depression as part of a biological survival strategy. By Alison Escalante, M.D. – Psychology Today December… View Article
By Birgitta Alakare & JAEC Foundation (March 22, 2020) ******************************************************** “From ‘experts’ we have to become ‘dialogicians’, such that we can be more relaxed in our work, and find, together with the service-users, more perspectives on their life situations. The families of and the service-users themselves have been transformed from objects of our treatment methods… View Article
JAEC dedicates this Newsletter to Dr. Birgitta Alakare, who passed away on February 19, 2021. ******************************************************************* Spring: Rebirth. Since our last message, the image of the world has not changed much. It has now been a year since we learned to live with the pandemic, the effects of which are devastating for our physical health… View Article
Walking the Path Toward Christmas: Engaging, Supporting & Collaborating. Although Covid-19 hit us early this year, surprising the whole world and making humanity adapt to new ways of relating, connecting, and communicating, it has not stopped JAEC from going forward. For all of us, Covid has been life-changing. And yet, amidst these extremely challenging times,… View Article
By Claudia Esteve Walking the Path: Engaging, Supporting, and Collaborating. The JAEC Foundation was launched in November 2019. Although Covid-19 hit us around March 2020, surprising the whole world and making humanity adapt to new ways of relating, connecting, and communicating, it has not stopped us from going forward and achieving many of our goals…. View Article
1st July – In an open letter, over 100 psychiatrists in the UK including are calling on the new president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, to overhaul its response to systemic racism and discrimination across the sector.